it's been a while huh?
not that i have any followers...but never the less i've decided to get back on the blogging wagon.
much has happened lost, then found, then lost again. many drunken nights followed by just as many hung over days. lay offs, forced unpaid vacation days and pay cuts. i thankfully still have my job. but i hate updates. so i'll start fresh. a little late in the new year....but here we go.
so i've kinda been through a shit storm the past 2 weeks. on a crazy emotional roller coaster ride. details are a little too private...not to mention i was hardcore pms-ing which managed to sky rocket my emotions. but either way. this friday, i felt that i was looong due from a night of complete and utter inebriation. didn't seem to turn out the way i expected to. i somehow managed to surpass my limits and ended up blacking out. (i've only ever blacked out one other time....and i woke up the next day naked in my bed....alone. dont know what happend there either.) all i remember from the end of the night is sticking my head out of the window of my car and throwing up. not cute.
the next day was full of confusion. not only did i not remember anything...i was also missing EVERYTHING. no phone. no purse. no car keys. only a scrunched up receipt for a $250 tab and some chicken scratches that look nothing like my signature. a trash can by my bed and a bowl of water on my bedside table. (random) no one has a land line anymore so being cut off from the world i turn to the internet to find out what the FFFFFFF happend.
as it turns out. my friend, whom i love dearly, drove my car home and took care of me. i apparently threw up on his hand while he put me in my car, drove me home....took me upstairs and proceeded to watch me puke for another hour. put me in bed, along side of a trash can and apparently i was out of clean cups so being the problem solver that he is...he finds a bowl instead, fills it with water, to put beside me incase i got thirsty. my phone was thankfully left in my car, but he leaves with my car keys still in his pocket (i get them back later that day)... i DID however loose my purse. but all that was in there was, cigarettes, lip gloss, my debit card, my new york drivers license and about $120 in cash. i WAS however told that i said numerous times "i'm having soooo much fun!!!!" so i guess i was having fun. but it's not worth it if you dont remember it. esp when it's followed by a full day of being completely hung over and useless. it did manage to numb the pain of "single awareness day" though. top it off...i apparently met someone that night at the club. i only know this because i a got a text msg and i quote, "hey margaret (apparently i told him my name was margaret...i never do's marge) nice meeting u tonight. i'm carl btw... the guy that ur gonna fall in love with =P." who is carl?! why did i give him my number?!? i dont remember. but more importantly....does that actually work on ppl!?
all in all it was an epic all the wrong ways........